Sunday, April 1, 2007

Yard Meris

Thank goodness for our yard meris!

The house we are living in here has quite a large, beautifully landscaped yard. While I enjoy the beauty of the yard, I know nothing about yardwork and caring for plants. Thankfully, one of the ways we serve the nationals is by hiring them as house help and yard help. Each Thursday we have two women (sisters) who come to the house and work in the yard (yard meris). They rake, pull weeds, pick ripe fruit, etc. I'm sure that without them our yard would be dead in a matter of weeks! We are blessed that our yard meris are Christian women. They live here on the center and the children on one of the women have become good friends with Sydney and Calvin.

Part of my job as the person hiring them is to feed them a snack at break time and serve them lunch. It also gives me a chance to sit and talk with them a bit. I'm hoping that this will be one way I begin to learn tok pisin (pidgin).

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