Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Birthday party PNG style

Today we celebrated our son's 6th birthday, PNG style.

We had about 10 kids (including our 2) over to celebrate. I wanted to keep it fairly simple and not too bid, 10 seemed to be a good number.

Decorations: I went to our store here to see what they had in the way of decorations. There were several rolls of crepe paper, all green, so I got too. He likes green, this is good. then I went to see if they had any balloons... they had 4. They were a dark silvery color and were printed with I love (insert a heart here) Papua New Guinea. Chad and I laughed a bit about these because usually you have "I love..." or "I (heart)..." We're not used to seeing, "I love (heart) ..." Just a funny translation thing. So that was pretty much the extent of the decorations, green streamers and 4 balloons. It worked, I spent less that 2 kina on it, that is equivalent to less than $1 in American money.

The Cake: I made a chocolate cake (from scratch) with chocolate frosting (also from scratch). Believe it or not we can get boxed cake mix here and sometimes frosting, but making it from scratch is cheaper and (I think) tastier. The question on my mind was how do I decorate this cake? Well, since we just got our cargo and now have a printer, I printed out on a piece of paper "Happy 6th Birthday" cut it out and set it on top of the cake. Then I found, at the store, some colored sprinkles and candles. There you go, simple, but colorful and fun. The kids loved it.

Goodie bags: It was very refreshing to see that the children at this party were perfectly happy with a ziplock bag (which I brought from the States) filled with 3 hershey kisses, 1 caramel candy, 1 lollipop, and one ballon rocket as their treat bag.

The Party agenda: As the guests arrived, we had some sidewalk chalk
(thanks Grandma) and toys out for them to play with. After about 1/2 an hour we began a treasure hunt around the yard. Ultimately the treasure hunt led them to find their goodie bags (hidden in the sandbox). This was great fun. I've never seen a group of kids so well behaved and cooperative as these. They worked together to find and read the clues, waited for one another before moving on the the next clue, etc. After the treasure hunt we served cake and then the kids played around the yard. Chad pulled out his banjo and they sang some songs, played freeze dance, and seemed to have a great time. Simple, yet fun.

The day ended with my son giving me a big thank you for a GREAT party.

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