Friday, July 6, 2007

Warm Chickens delivered to your door

Raising chickens is one source of cash income for many of the Papua New Guineans. We can and do sometimes buy previously frozen chicken from our store here, but another popular and often preferred way to get chicken is to buy from one of the Papua New Guineans. Often times these chickens are much more tasty and tender than the ones from the store. When purchasing one of these chickens, there is usually an option to purchase a live chicken (that you can kill and clean yourself) or you can pay a bit extra to have this part done for you. I opt for letting someone else do this part for me. (The extra cost amounts to less than 1 US dollar. Well worth it if you ask me!)

So, you let someone know how many chickens you'd like and the next day, you get a nice warm chicken delivered to your door. I think I'll add this to the growing list of things I never expected to be normal everyday life.

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